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The Infinity Loop Group


We give you tools to deal with the challenges of this complex time. 


We’re a mother and son team, ages 58 and 33, who work together and separately to support our clients in spiritual, communication, and leadership development in any and all aspects of their lives, where they wish to operate at a greater level of effectiveness, freedom, and joy.


Based on The Infinity Loop book, we expound on the tools and principles to support people in implementing these tools and perspectives, creating new habits, see through their biases and blind spots, move past their trauma-based responses, and live from their higher selves who are always smarter, calmer, more alert, present, connected, and curious.


We work with families who are struggling with building bridges with their merging adult children, relationships, professional development and organizational development, addiction, depression, emotional pain, communication models that build a container to have connected, honest, humble and safe interactions, and help however we can so others see life within the field of infinite possibilities.


We work in person or via Zoom at affordable rates to help as many people as we can.

Groups and retreats are also an option for those interested.


Reach out to explore future if either or both of us are a right fit for what you are needing to make this the best year of your life!

The Infinity Loop Group is the coaching and consulting partnership with myself

and Riley Burns.  

Riley is a talented sales and customer professional whose understanding of The Infinity Loop and his ability to uniquely articulate it and connect others to the philosophy and tools, inspires and expands me.

Having grown up in a family of sales professionals, consultants, and coaches, Riley has been schooled from an early age in the art of connection, influence, service, communication, how to train and develop others, and how to create an exceptional experience. His values are connection, collaboration, community and celebration.

Our mother and son team teach and influence together as a dynamic, interactive, full-service force to support your company, vision, growth, and product.





                                                          For inquiries, contact:

                                                     Riley Burns




                 ~ Our Infinity Loop Group          

                                 Podcast ~

                 Come join in on the discussion.

               We'd love to have you in our tribe!

From the tile museum in Lisbon, Portugal from my Oct., 2022 trip. 

I love the symbolism.....


Personal Coaching &

Men's Support Groups



Reach out for more information to join us!

The world is in desperate need of role models; become one.

Development in the integration of the Healthy Masculine with the Healthy Feminine in The Infinity Loop Model.

Men can then stand fully in the Healthy Masculine and be a healing force in the world.


  Infinity Health

  Operating System

We can see ourselves as an operating system where we program ourselves with the content (software) by what we watch, listen to and upload mentally, the food we eat, how we turn on our longevity and innate resources to heal through exercise, ancient practices, the latest in biohacking and research.

We do this to build and elevate to greater levels.

We take back control of our mind, body and spirit and program the system to live life at its highest levels. 

Infinity Health focuses on presenting natural solutions for modern health issues. How does one naturally create Emotional, Physical and Spiritual wellbeing?

Infinity Health creates structure and accountability to dive deep into concepts you've probably heard about. We humans communicate better when we're healthy and aware because we're able to understand what our body is telling us and we're able to communicate that better with others. We are better able to love well while practicing elegant and intelligent self-care.

We tap into our strength as we connect to the Infinite Field, as that field is humbly and gratefully aware of our ancestors who endured much harder circumstances than we are in our current comfort and convenience - which often works against our health and longevity. As our awareness rises, we're then able to see and experience how strong and powerful we are, we're able to heal, and discover the ultimate potential that's unlocked in us.

Through the support of natural things, we can make you the most superhero-like you've ever imagined yourself to be.

The idea that it can't happen to you because of whatever imaginary story you tell yourself just isn't true; there's too many examples of other people with a worse story who have turned their lives around; They've overcome.

We provide a shortcut to cut through all the systems to create and build on all great ideas - just like The Infinity Loop does. Just one more of the great ideas is what is the healthiest lifestyle.

      Reach out to learn more!


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